Daily Donation

Pledge to give $1 a day (or more) to ELCA World Hunger for the 40 days of Lent.

Of course, you don’t have to donate every day. One donation per person, or per family, or per congregation during Lent is fine. We’re suggesting a minimum or $50 per person in honor of 50 Years of ELCA World Hunger.

Remember, we’re counting individual participation, so the more people signed up per synod, the better. The total donation amount for ELCA World Hunger per synod is not the criterion we’ll use for determining the winner.

ELCA World Hunger offers many ways to give to support their efforts.

Don't want to donate online? Fine! Send a check to your synod office or give to ELCA World Hunger through your congregation.

Congregational Idea #1: Souper Bowl Sunday

There’s nothing that says you can’t start before Lent! Many congregations engage in Souper Bowl Sunday, in which jars are placed in the worship space, marked with the names of the two teams playing in the Super Bowl. (Sometimes, a third jar labeled “I Don’t Care” or “Either” is added.) The funds collected in the jars are sent on to ELCA World Hunger as a donation from the congregation. This efforts counts toward your Synod’s overall total!

Send us your ideas! We’ll add them to the website for the benefit of all.


Daily Declutter


Daily Discipline